Are You on a Focused Path by Coach Athena

Purpose of Life: Are You on a Focused Path?

As part of my new endeavor, in May 2010, I continued blogging with a new purpose under Free in the Spirit, which has its own history, as this blog originated before I became a Life Coach. I spent the past five years honing my skills and shifting my focus because I realized that it was easy to become a Life Coach but not so easy to establish a niche, as the market is huge.

So here I am again blogging but not under Free in the Spirit. This blog is intentionally related to my niche and my destiny. But I purposely included some of my old posts here as well. When I wrote 40 Days of Success back in 2010, it was my first attempt to write on purpose. I have known since I was a teen that I was a writer but I failed to focus my craft over the years.

As you will see in those posts, there were some days when I did not have a clear focused topic. But I published something anyway because the goal was to write for 40 days straight. I will admit that it was not easy either. There were days when I did not want to continue but I knew if I quit, then I would not be successful as a writer.

Never confuse activity with productivity. — Rick Warren

Focused for a Purpose

I was being proactive but was I really being productive? No, I was attempting to become productive but during that 40 days I did not produce much. Why? I lacked focus. My writing did not have a focus. I wrote about random things which as a collective did not amount to one solid piece of work. I realized this when I attempted to rewrite the series into a short e-book. Upon careful review, I found that in the entire 40 days I only produced five consistent pieces that I could bring together into one solid e-book, called The Cycle of Failure. I did have some decent posts in the last ten days, as I became more focused and deliberate about the content. But during that time the purpose of my writing was to create discipline as a writer.

Lack of focus will have you spiraling in all directions, always starting things but rarely completing anything. I continued to write sporadically until 2013, when my voice went silent. I was silent because I did not have focus nor a purpose for the blog. I allowed God to pour into me and I began a five-year journey towards purpose. I went back to school to focus my craft of writing and Life Coaching as I knew this was my destiny. But I also knew that I would not be effective in either unless I allowed God to show me how to use them purposefully. It was a long journey and it took much discipline because I had to shut people out as I became purposeful in the use of my time and energy.

Focus Feeds Purpose

Today is quite different for me. As a result of my purposeful endeavors I am focused. I have been writing consistently now for two years. I completed a book, write poetry daily, and am currently working on two other books. I write on my phone, my tablet, in many notebooks, on my computer, and anything else that will allow me to record. I now have enough content to write several books. I launched out into the world of fiction writing and now maintain two blogs producing focused, deliberate content on a weekly basis. Very seldom do I sit down and struggle to find something to write about because knowing why I am doing this empowers me to create.

My purpose for writing is to be the voice for the voiceless, to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves, and empower them to live on purpose. Writing is the vehicle God has given me to uplift others by sharing my journey and by showing others that anything is possible when you believe, in God first, then in yourself. Allowing God to shift your focus is the first step towards living on purpose.

Speak out on behalf of those who have no voice,
and defend all those who have been passed over.
9 Open your mouth, judge fairly,
and stand up for the rights of the afflicted and the poor. – Proverbs 31:8-9 (Voice Translation)

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Athena Thomas

Athena Thomas is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of The Life Calling Coach and Yes You Can Today Christian Life Coaching. She has a specialty in using vision boards to establish a path to life calling and spiritual growth. She is the Endurance Program Director for Women Offering Wealth, a non-profit organization. She is also the founder and facilitator of the Sister Circle Support Group for women, a program for survivors of domestic violence and the Circle of Endurance Support Group.

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