Time for a Change by Coach Athena Thomas

Time for a Change

Change can be a nasty word.  Most people like things to stay the same without a lot of surprises.  Realistically that is not how life is.  We all go through change during our lives.  God has called many of us to change during this season.  You may find yourself experiencing something that you thought you never would have to.  You may be thinking this is some sort of punishment.  But it is not.

Let’s examine the story of Peter walking on water found in Matthew 14:22-36.  The disciples were put in the boat without Jesus and ended up in a storm.  Then they saw Jesus coming toward them walking on the water.  Immediately they were afraid.  They had never seen anything like this before.  Change can be scary especially when we encounter new, almost supernatural things.

But the scripture states “Peter, suddenly bold, said, ‘Master, if it’s really you, call me to come to you on the water.’ He said, ‘Come ahead.'”  Peter responded with a sudden boldness and challenged the Lord to show him that it was really him.  When God says it is time for a change, things may become very unfamiliar but like Peter go to him and ask him to show you his path. He will say “Come ahead”, and then you can boldly step out and follow the path.

Successfully navigating your way through change requires faith, faith in the unknown and faith in God’s word. You have to stay focused on God, his purpose and his path for your life.  If you lose sight of it then you can become scared and begin to sink, like Peter did.  Knowing that it was really Jesus Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water towards him.  But he looked down at the waves under his feet, realizing he was walking in the midst of a raging storm and began to sink.  He cried out “Save me, Lord!”  Jesus grabbed him and said “You have so little faith. Why did you doubt me?” When you have one of those scary moments, just call out to God and he will be there to pull you back on the path.  It is natural to be scared but just remember to always focus on God and on your goal when things become blurry.

One very good way to do this is by writing a goal statement or vision statement.  Post it somewhere you will see it daily or put it in your cell phone as a text message. When you have one of those faithless moments you can read it to remind you of why you are doing this and where you are going.

Sample vision statement:

“The voice for the needy, who stands for those who cannot stand for themselves and helps them live on purpose and not by accident.”

Sample goal statement:

“My goal is to build a successful relationship coaching practice based upon the successful relationships of Jesus.”

Your gift will make a way for you.  When people recognize that your gift is from God they will begin to flock to you just like the people did when the boat made it to the shore.  They recognized Jesus and heard about what he did so they ran and told everyone.  Then others wanted just a touch of the success Peter experienced that day.

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Athena Thomas

Athena Thomas is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of The Life Calling Coach and Yes You Can Today Christian Life Coaching. She has a specialty in using vision boards to establish a path to life calling and spiritual growth. She is the Endurance Program Director for Women Offering Wealth, a non-profit organization. She is also the founder and facilitator of the Sister Circle Support Group for women, a program for survivors of domestic violence and the Circle of Endurance Support Group.

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