Week Two of the Favor Fast

Week two of the favor fast ended with a bang. Friday was such a busy day for me and God used it to show off. Let me walk you through my day.

I woke at my regular time and got the kids off to school. I had several appointments that day so I had to get started early. As I had shared with you in the last post my credit report was an issue for the last apartment complex I applied to, therefore I placed that credit report on the alter at church for God’s favor.

Well Friday my first appointment was with another apartment complex. The evidence of the favor fast began with the waiving of the application fee and went on from there. I was pre-approved for an apartment with a low security deposit using the same credit report dressed with God’s favor. Praise him!

Then it was on to my oldest son’s school for his annual IEP meeting. More good news and evidence of the favor fast working, as I learned that he is doing so well they are going to get place him in honors classes in the next school year. He has a 4.0 which he is so proud of and I am praying for continued favor that he will have his pick of colleges with a full scholarship.

My final appointment for the day was with a client. We have been working on her project for over six months, so we are trying to launch by January. One of he business associates attended the meeting. I found much favor with him, as he continuously asked me questions about the type of work I do. By the end of the meeting, he basically said I would be hearing from someone at his company because he wanted to find a way to work with me. Now if that is not a direct result of the favor fast then someone must be spiritually blind.

My day ended at school and I was not prepared for my group assignment. But I found favor in that as well because I was able to pull some last minute resources from my laptop that was directly related to the discussion topic.

What a blessed day this was! But the most extraordinary thing is that I am expecting to walk in this type of favor for the rest of my life. This is my promise from God, as long as I remain faithful and obedient to his word. Which I have no reason not to. I have never lived this good on my own. My life without God has been one constant struggle and I have fallen face first in the mud more times than I care to admit. But since I committed my life and everything in it to God I have not seen that mud again.

Athena Thomas

Athena Thomas is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of The Life Calling Coach and Yes You Can Today Christian Life Coaching. She has a specialty in using vision boards to establish a path to life calling and spiritual growth. She is the Endurance Program Director for Women Offering Wealth, a non-profit organization. She is also the founder and facilitator of the Sister Circle Support Group for women, a program for survivors of domestic violence and the Circle of Endurance Support Group.

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