Wow is all I can say. Fasting is a real experience. By shutting out the distractions and noise of the flesh you open your spirit up to see things that you would normally miss.
I do have a testimony, I have experienced favor already. I am looking for a new place to live and was turned down at the first place. I was not upset because it was not for me. Well God directed me to another community, I made an appointment but was unable to keep it. When I called to reschedule they offered to waive my application fee and to give me a preliminary answer the same day. Praise God for favor.
This past Sunday we ended the first week of the fast by bringing our bills to church for them to be prayed over. I put a copy of my credit report on that alter and when I watched them scoop everything up off the alter, after prayer, I could feel that debt being lifted off of me. All the debts on my report are old debts from that old life. Then the word ushered in confirmation of my new life of peace and prosperity.
I am so excited because things are moving and although everything has not fully manifested they are visible to me. This was evidenced by a dream I had last night where everything was complete. Nothing missing, nothing broken, wholeness, prosperity and peace.
Praise God for his grace, glory and favor.