Day Thirteen – Completion is a Key to Success

Great day! I am beginning to really like my do nothing Saturdays. I watched three movies today. Enjoyed all of them and it felt so good. I don’t watch much TV during the week. So I really enjoy watching my movies on Saturday.

How close am I to my success? How do you measure it? Doing something good for others is a good way to measure it. I watched a movie about a small town in Minnesota where this corporate executive decided to give up her career to help the people within this town. The people lived a simple life and everyone knew the other. Success for her was returning to this town that she frowned upon when she first arrived for in it she found life and success. She found a new way of life that completed her and fell in love. Isn’t being completed successful?

I know that I am asking many questions today but I believe that is part of discovering your success. When you question where you are and begin to look closely at your life, you will be able to see things that are out of place. Like the woman in the movie you will then be able to piece things together in order to complete your life and find success.

Athena Thomas

Athena Thomas is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of The Life Calling Coach and Yes You Can Today Christian Life Coaching. She has a specialty in using vision boards to establish a path to life calling and spiritual growth. She is the Endurance Program Director for Women Offering Wealth, a non-profit organization. She is also the founder and facilitator of the Sister Circle Support Group for women, a program for survivors of domestic violence and the Circle of Endurance Support Group.

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