Day Twelve – Commitment is an Important Key to Success

I love Fridays because I can reflect on my week and can finally rest. I had a good week. I get so excited about my business. I learn something new everyday. I love being a coach and helping people succeed.

This week I met all of my goals except one. I am stuck in one area and that is not good. But I will get back on track. I have to reset the goal for myself and assign a new completion date. I may need to have someone hold me accountable this time. It is harder with this one thing because it is not something I really want to do but need to do. So my discipline is low with it. I don’t need anyone to hold me accountable for finding new products for my business because I am passionate about that and can do that in my sleep.

But this goal is not like that it is a practical one that needs to be done and does not illicit the same passion. But I will get it done because I committed to doing it. Commitment is a big deal, if you cannot commit to anything you will not achieve the level of success you deserve. You may continuously start things but rarely finish.

I used to be that way; I always liked the excitement of starting new things but would quit when I lost interest or when it got hard. But I realized that I had missed so many good things in my life due to lack of commitment. Therefore I had to make some changes. Today my commitment record is much better. I have seen my way through some difficult situations that I really wanted to back away from. But I saw it through to completion and learned from the experience.

Thanks for taking this journey with me. I have learned so much in the first 12 days.

Athena Thomas

Athena Thomas is a Certified Life Coach and Founder of The Life Calling Coach and Yes You Can Today Christian Life Coaching. She has a specialty in using vision boards to establish a path to life calling and spiritual growth. She is the Endurance Program Director for Women Offering Wealth, a non-profit organization. She is also the founder and facilitator of the Sister Circle Support Group for women, a program for survivors of domestic violence and the Circle of Endurance Support Group.

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